Hanna Norberg

Dr. Hanna C. Norberg is an independent researcher and trade policy advisor, Founder of TradeEconomista, Initiator  and Presidette of TradeExperettes, Co-founder of TradePolicyResearchForum and Co-Director of DigitalTradePolicy.

She specializes in research related to trade policy and conducting training/teaching and mastermind events for policy makers and organizations looking to understand the underlying issues and dynamics of modern trade topics and find the best way to deal with them from a policy perspective.

Hanna holds a Ph.D. in International Economics from Lund University, Sweden, with the thesis largely written during a study visit to Columbia University and the NBER office in NY.  Apart from academic research, she has substantial experience in applied economics- doing numerous trade policy impact assessment projects for the European Commission (FTAs covering major parts of the world e.g. T-TIP, Japan, ASEAN, Korea, various MENA countries, Mercosur), ECFIN, OECD, WTO and national governments.  She also has considerable practical experience; working on implementing FTAs, surveying SMEs, and studying economic development thru private public partnerships. Her primary academic research interests are trade, trade policy, economic integration, development, digital trade and data flows. A significant share of her research and advising portfolio is currently focused on blockchain technology and trade policy.



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